Starcraft – What do I do when an opponent builds a refinery in the base


So admittedly, I'm a bit of a SC2 newbie. I was playing an online match and my opponent upon first scouting me with a Terran SCV noticed that I had not yet started putting down Assimilators myself (I was Protoss) and proceeded to put down a Refinery on one of my gas units. I had a Gateway coming up and I didn't want to waste my drones on taking the gas down so I figured I'd wait for my first zealot to come out.

The problem of course was that by the time my zealot had come out out, he started building a Refinery on the next gas unit. Ultimately, the time (and attention) and the fact that I was a bit late on getting gas most likely led to my defeat.

What should I have done in this case? Should I have had a small handful of my drones take down the refinery? Should I have just proceeded with a heavy / early Zealot rush considering my opponent wasted 150 minerals and an SCV with this tactic and I would have possibly had him outnumbered at the very outset, assuming I mined/built fast enough?

I didn't care for the tactic, but people can play how they want and I'm not going to complain – I just want to know how I should have reacted strategy wise in the event someone else tries this on me.

Best Answer

Against Terran specifically, you should attack the SCV as it is building since that is the weak link. It will go down quickly and then you will not have to worry about it any more.

Zerg players using this tactic will often cancel the extractor as it gets close to finishing and start it over again, to maximize how annoying it is since the health of the extractor resets to maximum every time. In this case, at least he cannot grab both geysers.

Protoss players can build assimilators on both geysers fairly easily, but it's at a cost of 75 minerals each so you will be able to get out an extra zealot and a half that he won't have access to, giving you a slight army advantage first until you get the assimilators away.

Overall, the main thing you have to do against this kind of tactic is make sure that it doesn't affect your macro. Keep building probes nonstop to mine minerals as fast as possible, and possibly go for a 2-gateway or more build to pump out zealots as fast as possible until you've dealt with the issue.