Recently I saw some statistics about how many people are in each league (bronze / silver / gold / platinum / diamond / master). That is 6 leagues, and Bronze was something like 40% of the entire ladder.
To me that seems pretty rough. Top bronze players are not stellar, but they are good enough to win methodically, balance economy, micro units, and make calculated decisions in the heat of battle. They are using hotkeys and know the whole tech tree.
Why place these players in the same league as a complete casual newcomer who makes 10 workers, 1 of each unit producing structure, and attacks with a single marine?
I can understand that inactive / abandoned accounts will probably be more common in bronze, so bronze should be inflated for that, but I am mostly referring to the diversity of skill you see in bronze league.
The diversity of skill in all the other leagues is extremely small in comparison.
Best Answer
So, Opera's answer is almost right, but the difference between it and the correct answer is too long for comments.
Quote from Starcraft 2 Forum's MVP ExcaliburZ
So what does Active really mean?
So what does this mean for your original question?
While technically all leagues should have equal distribution (except for Diamond and Master), in reality, we'll see a much larger number of users in lower leagues as they have been dubbed inactive. If we look at the distribution of bonus points across leagues, its not hard to see that players in lower leagues have many more bonus points, and thus are more likely to be dubbed inactive, and not taken into account for the distribution.
I guess the ultimate TL;DR here is:
Its even for active players, and lower leagues have more inactive players, thus more players