Starcraft – Why is reaper rushing used less frequently nowadays


In the early version of SC2 (when Rax was able to be built before supply) EARLY reaper rushes were very effective. Recently, as far as I read few times on and teamliquid, reaper rushes are not used too often. I never even played against it on ladder (until yesterday).

I was playing yesterday against a reaper rush for the first time, and my opponent killed around 10-12 of my SCVs. (I did few stupid misselections: didn't pull SCVs back to defense, didn't get my marines to kill reapers in time.)

In the next game after that I tried to do it myself. With 3 reapers, I killed 7 or 9 of my opponent's SCVs.

Not every map is good for reaper harass, but if used smartly, it could be a real benefit.

My Question: Why this strategy is not used so often? Are there any drawbacks that I don't see?

Best Answer

As you reach higher levels of play, if scouted properly, the defender will have enough units that will hold off the reapers from damaging their harvester lines. Granted if they don't catch it, it can do massive damage to their economy as the reapers have a +damage versus light units (which all harvesters are).

In gold or below leagues, the reaper rushes can still do a lot of damage, but if you watch any of the higher level matches (most can be found on HDStarcraft or HuskyStarcraft's youtube channel) most high level players will use the reaper to scout and try to harass (they might get 2 or 3 harvester kills), but it doesn't do much else more than that except the very rare occasions with good micro.

It's also very situational as well, against early zerg yes you can kite zerglings with no speed, but once they have the speed boost, reapers are surrounded and chewed through. Against protoss, you can kite the first zealot they put out, but by the time the zealot is dead, a stalker will almost be done and that stalker will kill the reaper. Against other terrans, if you go for their SCVs, the marine will kill you.

Personally I sometimes use it against either zerg or protoss, never against other terrans.