Kerbal Space Program – Do You Need to Start a New Career After Installing Breaking Grounds Expansion?


Recently, I bought and installed Breaking Grounds extension to Kerbal Space Program. Will I be able to use all the goodies that comes with it without starting new career? Or do I have to start again?

Best Answer

Are you willing to edit manually (via notepad) your current save?

No? You must create a new career to see the new surface features.


  • Open your current save in KSP
  • Press Alt+F5 to make a temporary backup
  • Close KSP
  • Locate your save game file. By default it's in <KSP_installation_folder>/saves/<your_career_name_folder>/persistent.sfs
  • Open in in notepad (not wordpad)

At the beginning of the file you'll see something like

ROCSeed = -1

Change it to

ROCSeed = 1260332081

Sidenote: this is the value of one of my saves, this means we'll see both the same surface features at the same place, for example a quartz in near the mountains near the KSC

  • Save and launch your save in KSP
  • If something goes wrong, replace persistent.sfs by your backup save by renaming it.