Grand Theft Auto IV – How to Start a New Game Without Wiping Old Saves


Title speaks for itself, I'm actually only a little over half done with my current game but I may want to get a new game started soon. I've heard it's possible from here, so long as you don't overwrite all of the name game saves over the old game saves.

Best Answer

Yes you can. You can basically start a new game whenever you want through the main menu. However, note that if your original game is only saved in the autosave, then you risk losing it by starting a new game.

So, how to start a new game without wiping your old save games (per instructions from the OPs link):

  1. Enter your old game and trigger a save (eg complete a mission)
  2. Turn autosave off
  3. Start your new game
  4. After completing a mission in the new game, save it to either another profile or save slot
  5. Turn autosave back on

You should now have 2 save game slots, one with your old game and one with your new game.

Source (final answer in thread)