Start with the resources and unlocks for a medium city without unlock all/infinite money in Cities: Skylines


I'm still really enjoying Cities: Skylines. So once again I want to create a new city. However, that means I have to start with virtually no money and no unlocks, making the first few hours a bit boring.

I could start a new game with the built in 'infinite money' and 'unlock all' mods enabled, but that feels too much like cheating. I want to know how well my city is doing. And there are some cool buildings that I haven't unlocked yet that I would like to earn by making a good city.

Is there any way to get some sort of a kick-start? Say start on a new map but with the resources and unlocks a city with 30k cims would have? One option I thought of would be to take an existing city and bulldoze everything. But that seems extremely tedious.

Best Answer

When you turn on the infinite money mod, the game is still keeping track of how much money you really have under the hood. So while I can't think of any way to directly "boost" a city to a certain level, the closest I can think of is to turn on the infinite money mod, play until you get to the size you like, and then turn it off.

Progression is usually quick enough with infinite money that you really shouldn't need to worry about the unlock all mod if you don't want to "break it" in that way.