Steam – A lot of TCP and UDP errors in Boring Man


I've been playing Boring Man (a free online shooter on Steam) for a while and a ton of errors keep flooding me every time I want to join a game.

Common Errors: TCP Error 4, UDP Error 5, TCP Error 5

I've asked other players in the game (when I can actually connect), and their error rate seems significantly lower than mine.

What I've tried:

  • I've connected to a variety of servers and it appears that the community servers, hosted by players, are more likely to cause errors
  • Restarting the game AND Steam (3 times!)
  • Restarting my WiFi connection

I would really like some help on this pesky issue.

Best Answer

Update 1.7.1 seemed to reduce the error by a lot. I guess it was some random bug in the game.