Steam – Adding multiple steam desktop shortcuts


I've just read this page about creating desktop shortcuts for my games, however steam recently broke for me and I lost all my shortcuts. Although I can create them one at a time, I have almost 215 games and it would take me at least an hour to sort them. Is there an easier way to create a mass amount of shortcuts or do I have to do it manually?

If it helps, I use fences

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

If you are a developer, use this:

It's a c# script that goes through your installed games and create a shortcut for each. You will need to compile this script either with VS or from command line with csc.exe or run it form LinqPad. All paths are tried to be automatically detected, so if this does not work or not suitable, you need to change the code to hardcode them.

To me this proved to be the fastest and most practical method to achieve what I wanted