Steam and the recently played games jump list


I've had steam installed for a long time now and have had no problems.

Recently it keeps forgetting my recently played games and only displays a single game (Age of Empires Online) there, where normally it would show several.

I'm talking about the list of games at the top of the menu when you click the notification icon, and the jump list you get when pinning steam to the start menu.

I've played many other games more recently than AoEO. I always shut down steam correctly and haven't noticed anything else at all unusual.

What could be causing this?

Is there some kind of Microsoft conspiracy at play here?

Best Answer

This sounds like the file storing that information got corrupted.

  • First, open the following folder in Windows Explorer:
  • Start Steam, wait for it to load, then close it again.
  • Now check the folder you've opened before. There should be one file that's been modified right now. In my case, the file name is 493e32cec2810e2e.customDestinations-ms, but you might have a different one.
  • Move it to your Recycle Bin or another folder. This way you're able to restore it, in case something breaks.
  • Restart Steam.
  • If everything worked, your jump list should be back and building once again.