Steam – Are there benefits to buying the box version versus the Steam version of Civilization 5

civilization-5steamversion differences

Is there any benefit to buying the box version of Civlization 5 on Steam versus the box, or vice versa?

Best Answer

All Civilization V version are basically the same because at the end all have to be registered on Steam, because it implements the Steam DRM.

Then could be that some reseller add some exclusive stuff:

Steam Standard edition

  • Adds Cradle of Civilization Map Pack: Mesopotamia.

Steam Deluxe edition

  • Adds Cradle of Civilization Map Pack: Mesopotamia.
  • Plus also get the bonus Babylon Civilization with leader "Nebuchadnezzar II"
  • Behind the Scenes at Firaxis with Civ V video feature
  • Game Soundtrack Edition

  • Adds Cradle of Civilization Map Pack: Mesopotamia.

Collector's Edition

A boxed collector's edition is also coming. It should contains some miniatures, a book and possible other contents like soundtrack/make of.

The price should be around 100$.

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