Steam – Can Steam be prevented from updating itself on Mac


Is there a way to tell Steam on Mac to not update itself when it hasn't been manually launched?

I have now seen problems with this on two MacBooks. Without even trying to run Steam for anything, suddenly the system slows to a crawl, sometimes the entire screen even goes black, other programs I'm using stall with the wait timer icon, and then a progress dialog appears showing how far my unwanted Steam update is progressing.

Short of deleting Steam, is there a way to make it not update itself when not being used?

Best Answer

Steam's option to launch on startup is on by default. You can change it by going to the menu bar and choosing SteamPreferences… to open Steam's Preferences window. Then in the Preferences window choose Interface (I know, that's not intuitive, is it), and uncheck Run Steam when my computer starts:

Steam Preferences window with a freehand circle around the "Run Steam when my computer starts" option

To stop an already-running Steam, just switch to its window and quit using the menu (SteamQuit) or the Quit keyboard shortcut (⌘Q).