Steam – Can you delete the contents of the downloads folder


In my Steam folder, under steamapps, there is a downloading directory which is totaling more than 5gB. Exploring it shows game files for games that, not only do I not have a local installation for, but have since been removed from my library completely (trial for a HL mod).

Steam is currently not downloading anything (paused, suspended or otherwise) and I was wondering whether it was completely safe to just delete the files in steamapps/downloading.

I've restarted steam and it doesn't seem to be performing any cleanup

Best Answer

I noticed that the files and folders that were direct sub-folders of downloading were numbered.


These correspond with the steam app ID's of the games that don't exist on my system (17585).

There are no other files which leads me to believe that this is just a bug in Steam (because it is cleaning up files for games I do have).
I.e. it will clean up downloads for games that it knows about, but any other files it may have put there will not be removed if the game is deleted.

I deleted the files, restarted steam, and nothing adverse happened.