Steam Download on one machine, play on another machine using the same steam account


Using the same steam account, can I download games on one pc, and transfer them to play on another pc using the same account? My problem is, my internet at home is quite slow. So, I'd like to download all the game files at my office, and transfer them to my Laptop to play. I'll be using the same steam account on both machines. Is it possible to do this?

Best Answer

It is definitely possible to do with external hard drive that has enough room for all of your video games file. I recommend this with an external hard drive since it takes less space. But it is definite doable with a laptop.

You will need to use a steam library folder on the external hard drive.

To create a new steam library. Go to Steam on top left, click setting, go to download tab, click steam library folders. Click on add steam library folder. Navigate to where your external hard drive is.

You can freely move from the external hard drive onboard your home PC by moving from external steam library to your local PC's steam folder. Just make that ALL of your video game files end up in the steamapp\\ on your local PC.

The best part is once you are done transferring the file over while steam is offline, once you boot up steam. It will look in steamapp for anything new and add it in your steam library list.

Even if something end up partially complete, steam will download what was not done. IE if you download only 500 MB out of 600 MB. Steam on your local PC will download the rest for you.