Steam – Downloading Steam games without it being installed


I'm on a distribution that doesn't support steam – at least not without a lot of complex and incredibly repetitious workarounds. I only purchase DRM-free games, and they work out-of-the-box here – I've tested by downloading and copying them over from a virtual machine via steam.

In other words, steam is a completely unnecessary, tedious, and painful version-control middleman.

Can I get the latest versions of my purchased games without having steam installed?

Best Answer

You can try to download them with SteamCMD, if they are DRM-Free.

When you run it, you can login with,

login (username)

Then set the download path with,

force_install_dir (path)

Then, you can install the game with this:

app_update (gamesteamid) validate

You can replace the (gamesteamid) part with the game's steam id, which you can find by opening the game's link.

You can download it for Windows here, the instructions for Linux and Mac is available on the SteamCMD's wiki page.