Steam Expansion – How to Install for Non-Steam Game Victoria 2


In 2014 I bought Victoria II and in 2015 its 'A House Divided' expansion using a site called "Gamesrocket". I can't add the license keys to my Steam account, so I'm guessing they're either expired or just can't be added to Steam. Now I want to add the 'Heart of Iron' expansion to it, and start with a clean install.

I've reached out to Gamesrocket to renew my download links (I messed with the files for modding before I learned how to do proper modding). The first one didn't work but I'm still in contact with them about it.

Now I'd like to know:

  • will it give issues when trying to add a Steam-bought game expansion ('Heart of Iron') on top of my non-Steam bought versions (the base game and 'A House Divided' expansion)?
  • Or should I just buy all three from Steam again as mixing those would cause strange errors?

Best Answer

Yes, it will give issues.
Even if you are able to buy DLC through Steam of a base game you don't own on the platform - which is likely impossible - installing it properly would be difficult and cumbersome, if at all viable (different files, different structures, different registry entries, &c.).

The game is currently on sale on Steam, though (75% off).