Steam – find all magicks, moose, and secret areas in one playthrough


I've just started playing Magicka. For the achievements I put on my robe and wizard hat, King's Quest, and Sherlock Holmes, do I have to get everything in one playthrough?

For example, King's Quest requires you to find 12 moose. If I only have found 8 by the time I finish the game, when I replay, will I only have 4 to go or will I have to "re-tag" those 8 I already found again? Or does finding parts of these achievements "stick"?

Best Answer

If you revisit a moose you've already found (e.g. the first moose outside the castle) the King's Quest achievement popups up (in Steam) with your current count. So if you're found 8, but revisit an existing one, it will say 8/12.

You can do multiple runs to get these achievements, but some of the others (e.g. Mission improbable) require it to be completed in 1 runthrough.

Other scaling achievements would be Bad Taste, and Killing your friends, you're doing it wrong