Steam – First Time Setup runs every time I click Play


Whenever I run Dota 2, Steam shows me this UAC dialog:
UAC Steam Program Files (x86)\Steam\bin\steamservice.exe /installscript steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\runasadmin.vdf 570

If I click No, the game launches. If I click Yes, I see the following and then the game launches.
Performing First Time Setup | Installing (Step 1 of 1)

It's just an annoyance, but how can I prevent this from happening?

I've tried reinstalling both Steam and the game.

Best Answer

Identify the "steam app" number (I think DOTA2 is 570)

Find the installscript.vdf file in the game's install folder. Open it with a text editor You will see lines like this:

{...} InstallScript" { "Run Process" { "DirectX" {...}

For every "run process" item like DirectX highlighted above, add a new dword parameter in the registry and set it to 1 in the proper registry node. For Dota2, the app node is:


If you using a 32-bit OS, omit Wow6432Node.

You can examine sibling game nodes for more confirmation, but I think once it all runs, steam also adds a dword named "Installed" with a value of 1.

Rarely, an installscript.vdf has a typo (like "DircetX"). I think you need to copy the typo in the registry entry.

This file may be rewritten when steam updates a game. Clearing the contents is a temporary fix.