Steam – have separate profiles for two different players for a single game on the same Steam account


My brother and I just bought MW3 and installed it with Steam and all of that, but on 2 different computers. We had to use the same steam account (mine) so that the game would load and work and not give an error saying that the CD key is already in use. I.e so that I didn't have to create another separate and new account for my brother.

But now this comes with its own problems; when I play online, my rank and achievements obviously come through on the steam account on the other PC when my bro logs in. This sucks, as we would like to rank up individually but using the same account and same game.

Is there any way to get around this so that we can each have our own separate profile for MW3?

Best Answer

You can use Steam Family Sharing to use two accounts (and, therefore, two profiles) on one computer. You need to have family sharing (currently in closed beta) enabled for the account that owns MW3. Enable sharing for the computer you want to use, install MW3 and then your brother can login and play with his own profile on that computer.

Family Sharing, however, only allows one user to be playing at any given time, no matter the game. Your brother will be kicked out of his game within 5 minutes if you launch any game in your Steam library.