Steam – Hide games in friends list


Steam rolled out a new Friend List UI earlier today that shows friends grouped by games at the top.

Is there any way to hide this list while still having Steam set to start when Windows starts?

(I'm aware of -nofriendsui, but that only works if you're launching Steam from a shortcut)

Best Answer

The easiest way to achieve this would be to go into your startup folder by typing shell:startup or shell:common startup into your run prompt (Win+R). If you find the Steam shortcut in any of those 2 folders, open its properties and edit the shortcut like you would edit your desktop shortcut by appending -nofriendsui as an argument to the target.

If your folders don't have any Steam shortcuts you could go into your Steam Settings -> Interface and disable "Run Steam when my computer starts". Now just create a new shortcut in your startup folder and edit it accordingly.