Steam – How does game trade work


I have spare copies of some games bought in various past 4-pack offers.

Steam items

How can I trade one of them with another user? If I click an item I don't see any Trade button, but only gift.

Best Answer

In your friends list, right click a user and press "Invite to trade." In there, you'll be able to send unused copies of games and items from several supported games. Trading supports game copies for game items and items between different games, with no real limits.

At the moment, the supported games for item trading are:

  • Team Fortress 2 items (hats, scrap metal, weapons, crates, keys, etc.)
  • Portal 2 (cosmetics)
  • Spiral Knights (materials, weapons/cosmetics/armor that are unbounded, CE; crystal energy and crowns)
  • DotA 2 (consumables, couriers, announcers, gear, backgrounds, etc.)
  • Steam (gifts, backgrounds, cards, emoticons, gems, etc.)