I am considering purchasing a Steam game. I am on a limited download limit, I was wondering how to find out how large a game download is.
I understand I can purchase the game, download a portion and resume at a later date.
The game I am interested in is : Ace Combat Assault Horizon – Enhanced Edition
I see there are minimum and recommended settings, however, this does not include the download size of the game.
Best Answer
At the moment, it is not possible to know this before you actually bought it. The download size does also differ greatly from the recommended hard disk space needed, due to all downloads being compressed and how much compression can be applied also differs from game to game. If a game already uses compressed files for their assets, there is not much Steam can do. For example, "The Secret World" is 40.2GB on my HDD and was only 18.5GB in download.
However, the recommended need for hard disk space is a good indicator of the download size. You can often half it. But as I said, it is only an indicator.