Steam – How to Find My Steam ID


How can I find my steam ID?

I haven't bought any games; I am playing a free one.
Is the ID only created if I buy a game?

Best Answer

Get your SteamID 64-bit

Method 1

Login to Steam using a web broswer.

Once logged click on your profile and add ?xml=1 to browser url address<yourname>/?xml=1 or<yourprofilenumber>/?xml=1 (if you have not set a public username yet)

Method 2

Open this file <Steam Installation Path>\config\loginusers.vdf in notepad.

You'll receive a long XML file but you can look at tag at the beggining. It contains your 64-bit SteamID.


Get your SteamID 32-bit

Using a simple formula you can also build your Steam 32-bit ID similar to STEAM_X:Y:Z (e.g. STEAM_1:0:12345678) starting from Steam 64-bit ID

Z = (SteamID64 - 76561197960265728)  / 2
Y = SteamID64 % 2
X = 1 if profile is public / 0 if profile is private