Steam Trading Cards – How to Get Card Drops in the Steam Summer Sale Game


I tried playing the Summer Sale clicking game for a bit, but it's pretty boring.

The description says that playing will win you Steam trading cards. But how: is it just time spent clicking?

Best Answer

All you have to do to get the free cards from the game is play the game, and the game plays itself even if you're not actively watching/playing it. Even if you load the game once and then close the tab, you'll still get cards from "playing." (I've gotten one card so far this way, after loading the game once and having the tab just lock up on me)

The maximum number of free cards from the game is 3 per day, and they're given to you at random intervals over the course of the 24 hour period.

The reason to really "play" the game is to help unlock the community goals and allow for more games to go on sale.