Steam – How to get down the streets in Chapter 4


In Chapter 4, just after killing four guys in some wrecked building, Passos yells from a balcony that "there is a way down the street." But the guy isn't moving and he's blocking the way out. The only way I found to get outside it was by jumping on his left side. But after a short while, while going down the rusty stairs, I die without any reason, just like if some game script couldn't trigger properly…

Is this a bug or glitch? Am I missing something?

Passos blocking the way

Best Answer

Ok so yeah, it was a bug. According to this video, there's nothing special to do; just come closer from Passos, and a cutscene (what else ?) will start, unveiling the rest of the level.

In order to get over this bug, I had to leave the game and reload my last save; from there, everything went fine.