Steam – How to install the Steam version of DC Universe Online using the DCUO install CD’s


I recently had to reinstall everything on my computer due to system and hardware failure.

What I would like to do is to install the DC Universe Online game on Steam. However, when I use the DVD's that are included with it, I cannot use or access the in-game overlay. I've done this with other games (such as Mass Effect 1, 2, and 3) where I can use the non-Steam version and play it through Steam to get the overlay.

I know it's purely cosmetic and the what not but I still want to do it.

So again, my question is:

Is there a way to use the DC Universe Online installation CD's to install the game through Steam? Or are they two different version and no way to patch one to be the other?

Best Answer

You could try the following:

  • Start the download, stop it immediately, and close steam completely.
  • Copy over the files installed from the CDs to steam\steamapps\common\[folder steam installs it to]
  • Now run steam and validate files for the game. Steam should recognize most of the files.
