Steam – How to sync Steam savegames


I've been playing a couple of games on my Surface Pro 2 while travelling. When I launched a game on my desktop after I got home, I noticed my savegames did not sync.

While I realize Steam couldn't sync while I didn't have access to the internet, I did turn my Surface on after I got back home. Steam simply didn't bother syncing then, so I was forced to launch each game I had played so Steam would sync.

Having to launch every game while an internet connection is available is quite inconvenient, especially when some games have unskippable intro videos. Is there an option where I can tell Steam to sync all savegames without having to launch a game?

Best Answer

No, there is not. Steam only syncs games to the client, when being restarted, but not from the client to the cloud. You are required to launch the game once for that to happen.