Steam – How to upload old screenshots taken with traditional methods to Steam


Steam now has a screenshot-hosting feature, but I've been unable to break the habit of hitting F5 to take traditional TGA screenshots in Team Fortress 2, rather than the new hotkey F12 (the default) to take screenshots for uploading to Steam.

There are a couple of images I'd like to upload, but as they weren't taken using the new hotkey they don't appear in Screenshot Manager. Rather, they're in the old screenshots folder, %ProgramFiles%\Steam\steamapps\[username]\team fortress 2\tf\screenshots, in the TGA format.

Is there a way I can import these screenshots to Screenshot Manager for upload to my Steam profile?

Best Answer

Unfortunately, no. There is currently no official way to upload screenshots to Steam directly.

However, there are work-arounds on the Steam forums, with varying rates of success.

I personally would suggest waiting until Steam officially releases a method to do this.