Steam – If I buy GTA V with a key via social club, can I then add the game to steam


I read that you can't associate a retail copy of GTA V to Steam. But I also see on several places that if you buy GTA from Steam that you may also need a social club account.

Now, currently there is no discount on Steam if I want to buy GTA V, So I'll have to pay 59€. But I can buy a key for GTA V via social club online for only 29€.

Is it possible to link GTA V from social club to Steam?

Best Answer

While you can add the GTAV.exe file as a non-steam game shortcut, it will just be a shortcut.
To get the proper steam version, you will have to buy it either from Steam, or buy a Steam key from a third party reseller (most, however, don't sell steam keys for GTA V).

If you buy the Steam version, you can also play it as the social club version without running steam, but not the other way around.