Steam – Is it possible to find the Tal’Mahe’Ra blade in the Steam version of Vampire Bloodlines


Well, any question about Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines might be slightly ambiguous because the game may change substantially depending on which version you are playing.

I have played the Steam Version – download around November 2011 – four times with different clans but am still unable to find the Tal'Mahe'Ra blade. Can anyone confirm that this weapon will not be available in the Steam version of the game? Or if I am wrong, point me to the location where I can find the blade?

Best Answer

Depending on which specific patch version you're using, it'll be at either right near the entrance of The Hallowbrook Hotel downtown, or towards the end of it in Andrei's Lair.

I seem to recall that you need a high Inspection skill to notice it however.