Steam keeps making me appear offline in the Friends list


Steam seems to be doing something rather strange. I am always online. I have no issues launching, updating, or playing any game. Every so often, though, it seems to kick me into Appear Offline on my Friends list, though. I don't ever tell it to do that; it just does it automatically. I usually only notice when someone yells at me to get online in Steam.

I checked the Settings page, and I'm not seeing any setting in the Friends tab that would allow me to turn off this option. If option it actually is. It's happened often enough that I'm suspecting it's some sort of "inactive" deal, kinda like how Messenger used to set you to Away, but I have no way of knowing for sure.

How can I tell Steam that I like being online and to stay that way?

Best Answer

Steam was offline a lot the last few days. It is completely normal for the Friend Lists Server to go offline, while the Rest of the Library is working. If you do not have further suspiccions it is highly likely, that it were just the Steam Servers spassing out.