Steam – Logging into steam VIA ssh to update game


I just recently got a server and it is linux SSH. It has installed on it Starbound. Starbound has recently updated and I need to update it but with the instructions provided I cannot seem to get it to work. I keep getting Errors like so:

Here are the instructions I am following:

Updating your Starbound Server
Download Putty or another SSH client
login to your server by typing 'ssh root@YOURSERVERIP'
Now enter your servers password when prompted
change to your starbound servers directory 'cd /home/starbound/SteamCMD'
Now type 'vim ./'
On the line where you see YOURSTEAMACCOUNT and YOURSTEAMPASSWORD enter your information.
Now hit escape then hold 'shift + :' type 'wq!' then hit enter
Now you may do the following to patch your server.
'cd /home/starbound/server/linux64/'
'bspatch starbound_server starbound_server_patched starbound-loader.bspatch'
'chmod a+x starbound_server_patched'
'mv starbound_server starbound_server_org' hit y if prompted
'mv starbound_server_patched starbound_server'
Now you may follow the directions on starting your server and you're good to go!

Best Answer

You need to hit i to insert text into vim after the line where you type vim ./ The errors you are seeing are coming from vim because you aren't in the correct mode.