Steam – Missing “Add to Wishlist” button after I tried to add a game to wishlist and got “Oops sorry!”


This has happened several times, but I've just realized that this weird "Oops sorry!" message seems to be causing it.

Here is the most recent case I'm facing with Hawken. I tried adding the game to my Wishlist, but failed. It displayed the message "Oops sorry!" for a moment. I refreshed the page, and the button disappeared.

enter image description here

I checked my Wishlist page, just in case it's been there. But unfortunately the game has not been added to my Wishlist either.

This has happened several times and it's quite annoying.

Anyone can help me?

enter image description here

Best Answer

The problem might be that the game you picked is free to play. It doesn't need to be bought, so there is little reason to add it to your wish list.

However, a more useful error message would definitely be in order. You might want to report this as a bug to Valve.