Steam – Not getting achievements In Civilization 5 is there a difference between silver and bronze achievements


I just finished a game as Attila. I won a militaristic victory on level Prince(4), small map, standard game. I did not get my steam achievement for this victory, Scourge of Everyone.

Then I noticed that some achievements have silver locks and some bronze. Could it be that I cannot unlock the bronze until I complete the silver ones? What other reason is there for not getting the achievement?

enter image description here

FYI, I just beat the game again by replaying from an auto-save and this time I saved it on the very last turn. Still no luck.

UPDATE: I think Rob and Robin Hood are correct because I did get the Enlighten Ruler achievement (unlock all social policies) but I am not getting the leader ones This time with Montezuma

I have the Brave New World DLC. I just finished a new game with Montezuma and received the Montezuma's Revenge achievement.

Best Answer

Like some of the other posters, I too am not getting the achievement for winning, though I'm playing as Washington. I've also tried different methods, both cultural and UN. Other achievements work fine. Like Jon, above, I suspect it has something to do with the recent patch, though it could be a change on Steam's end when they started working on the new achievements for BNW.

Edit: this was a temporary bug that was fixed in an update about a month or two after this discussion. The above response has not been applicable for years!