Steam – Place files into the Steam downloads folder instead of re-downloading them


I recently bought Dark Souls on Steam. I already have the two hefty 1.5Gb files that make for the bulk of the game and I really don't want to download them at 100kb/s.

I found the folder where Steam was saving the game to, replaced the files, but Steam didn't update the download progress bar when I started it back up – understandable.

Now, is there a way to have Steam re-check the file 'completion' so to speak so I don't have to download it?

Best Answer

If you already had access to a downloaded Steam version of the game, you could do this, but it doesn't always work with other versions of games. To be certain, stop the download, right click on the game and open properties, and delete all local content (after making sure you have your two 1.5GB files somewhere else). Then put the files back in the Dark Souls folder (you may have to recreate it, so write the exact folder name down somewhere). Now tell Steam to download it again. There is a step in the download where it checks for existing data. If your files will work with Steam, it will detect them now. Otherwise, it sounds like you're out of luck.