Steam – Reduce Steam installation folder size


Some notes before main question:

  • My Steam games library is on separate location (another drive), and removing games is not a solution to this question.
  • I have already tried out TikiOne Steam Cleaner, it didn't detect anything to delete in my Steam installation folder.
  • I would rather not install Steam on my second drive.

So the main question is – can I somehow reduce Steam installation folder? I mean the one at:
.../Program Files (x86)/Steam

Now it is roughly 800 MB in size, and it's a real pain on my 120GB SSD drive, where each GB is worth it's weight in gold (metaphorically speaking).

I'm looking for unused update packages (maybe Steam doesn't delete them after update?), or other backups made by Steam without me even knowing. I also don't know where screenshots are kept, maybe this could be the solution?

Best Answer

You can delete the appcache folder every so often. This just contains data which is cached, it does however get re-downloaded when you restart steam, but the folder size is no where near as big. I freed up 200MBs by doing so, then the next time I launched steam, it became 1MB.

Another option is to right click the steam folder, click on the "Advanced" button and compress the contents of the folder and sub-folders.

Like sn0w had said, you should also delete redist files if you don't need them.