Steam shopping cart is emptying itself


I added about 10 games into my shopping cart, then I wanted to add some money to my steam wallet and had some credit card issues. After I solved the issues and added money to my wallet, I was back to the steam homepage and went to open my shopping cart.

However, there were no games in the shopping cart and I do not remember some of the games I added. Is there a solution or trick? I tried to look at my browser history and go back to the shopping cart but still no games appear.

Best Answer

I don't think it's because you've added funds to your wallet. I've added money to my wallet, and my cart was just as fine. However, it empties itself at some point in time, probably according to a specific schedule or when Steam updates its policy, etc. Mine's got emptied by Steam perhaps just as yours, about a day or two ago. But who knows, Valve works in mysterious ways.