Steam – The server list from source engine games only show very few servers


Both Gmod and TF2 only show me like 10 servers, yet games like tabletop simulator shows all server available, so i know there is a problem with source games.

I tried lowering max ping and clear download cache, but nothing happens.

Best Answer

All source games use the same algorythm of discovering servers:

  • the game asks valve's masterserver for a server list, receiving a list of IP addresses
  • the game now sends an A2S_INFO UDP packet to each server in a list, at a maximum rate of 250-5000 pings per minute.

  • every servers responds with an UDP response packet containing some useful information

Why this happens

Most likely, your internet connection have issues with UDP packets: packet loss, extreme delaying, restrictive filter, etc etc. - packets between you and internet servers lost.. somehow.

What you can do

1. Decrease server query rate

Rate is guessed by steam client, but it's also configurable in

Settings -> In-game -> In-Game Server browser: Max pings / minute

Settings -> In-game -> In-Game Server browser: Max pings / minute

2. Hit refresh servers button again

With my 3G connection it takes multiple clicks, and from 5 to 30 seconds before servers in TF2 client start to appear.

3. Troubleshoot network issues

Anti-virus, firewall or other software may interfere, try disabling it.

Bad hardware (notably your router) can interfere - try connecting to internet directly (if your pc connected to isp through router)

If none helps, you can call your ISP's customer support.