Steam – Using Automation, is it bannable


The latest steam summer sale game is just a glorified "cookie-clicker" game. As such I've seen users post about being able to automate the clicks and effectively cheat in the game, does anyone know if users who do this will be banned?

Best Answer

Valve works in strange ways when it comes to bans, so I can't authoritatively say if you will or won't be banned for "cheating" at the game. They've taken a hard stance at times, but ignored other flagrant, profitable cheating avenues in the past.

That said, there is absolutely no reason to cheat - there are already built-in ways to automatically do damage, and there's doesn't appear to be anything tangible as a reward for doing more clicks yourself.

If we balance the risk (unknown) against the reward (nonexistent) it seems pointless to take the chance.