Steam – way to disable showing what your friends are playing when first logging into steam


Whenever I log onto steam and open it on the top right of my computer is shows everyone who is playing games but at 3 at a time. Due to my high number or friends it takes a good amount of time to cycle through them. That means any icons or images in my top right of the screen are blocked and I can't click on them until the list goes away. Is there a way to disable this?

Best Answer

The only way to disable this is to disable friend notifications entirely.

In Steam's settings, go to the Friends tab and uncheck "When any Friend joins a game" "Display a notification".

Steam Fiend Notifications

Edit: As @ardaozkal has pointed out, you can override this per friend by opening the friends list, clicking the down arrow next to their name and clicking Notification Options. Then, under "When [person name] joins a game" check the "Display a notification" box.