Steam – How to List Removed Games on Steam?


Minutes ago I asked Do removed games still count towards Achievements Status on Steam?

The answer sadly is yes.

So is it possible to list all my removed games on Steam?

These games are not in my library, in the past i removed them using (I relinquished the license/returned for refund/deauthorized) so I need to buy to play again

EDIT and Solution:

The solution I found was see my history of cards sold on market, there is listed at least the removed games that contains steam cards but free-to-play

Best Answer

Steam does not offer a way of viewing these games natively. There are, however, some things you can do:

  • When buying games, you receive an email from Steam. Search your email for purchase --community 
    or in other words, emails sent by with the keyword "purchase" and without "community" (market) in it.
  • If you did buy a game via other means, your email likely has emails with the keywords "steam" and "key" in it.
  • An untested method would be to use the steam web api to iterate over all apps they have in store. This may or may not be against their TOS (I haven't read that closely). To find those app ids you may use a site like steamdb. Steamdb has a little over 53k games in their database, which is a big but not unmanagable task. I don't know if GetPlayerAchievements does actually display achievements for games deleted from your account, but it is worth a try.