steam – How to Set a Custom Steam Download Speed


My internet is 5MB/s, which is exactly one of the steam's download speed option. The next lowest option is 3MB/s.
I.e. I can't choose 5MB/s – it is too high since it spoils my browsing experience while steam is downloading. But 3MB/s is also not good since it is much lower than necessary. Something like 4.5MB/s would be ideal.
Is there a way to do it? A way to edit steam files may be, and to change the default options list?

Best Answer

As of October 7th, 2020, you can now specify an exact speed simply by inputting the amount you desire. Go to Steam → Settings → Downloads and in the "Download Restrictions" part of the window, check the "Limit Bandwidth to" checkbox and input the amount you wish (in KB/s). 4500 KB/s would equate to 4.5 MB/s.

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