Steam – What does “Verify Integrity of Game Cache” do


I realize that many times when there is an issue with a game on Steam, it can be solved with "Verify Integrity of Game Cache". But, what exactly does this do?

I tried running Darksiders and it gave me an error of "Missing Executable", so I figured the verify would easily catch that and install the missing files. I was wrong, though, since the validation found no problems with the installation and the game continued to not launch from the same error.

I'm curious as to what exactly the verify option does. I know on some other games I have tried it on, steam will end up downloading some files, but apparently not all files are included in this.

Best Answer

It compares the game files you have on installed your computer with those of of the latest version on the steam servers. If its different in any way it replaces or adds on any files.

If I ever have a problem with a game on steam this always the first thing i do.