Steam Cloud – List of Games with Cloud Save Support


Which games (except Torchlight) store the current state of the game to the Steam cloud?

What is the Steam Cloud?
Steam is Valve's online game purchasing and digital delivery service/platform. Steam Cloud is a fairly new addition to the Steam platform that saves the state for various games to Steam's servers in the "cloud". Depending on the game it can save things like your savegames, character setup, keyboard mappings, options, etc so that any PC that you go to will download all those settings for you and keep them in sync as soon as you log into Steam.

Best Answer

The full up-to-date list.

Things to note:

  • All Valve games use the Steam cloud.
  • The majority of games on that list are indie titles, not AAA games, probably because those titles were written specifically with Steam in mind. Still, there are quite a few AAA games there as well.