Steam – What information is supplied to sites when logging in with Steam OpenID


I've been curious as to what details about my steam account or profile is supplied when I log into a website or service using the Steam OpenID service.

Which details are being supplied and how personal are they?

Best Answer

The actual sign-in process returns very little information to the third party service/website - nothing more than your Steam Name, and your OpenID URL (which contains your 64-bit Steam ID).

Steam OpenID Provider
Steam can act as an OpenID provider. This allows your application to authenticate a user's SteamID without requiring them to enter their Steam username or password on your site (which would be a violation of the API Terms of Use.) Just download an OpenID library for your language and platform of choice and use as the provider. The returned Claimed ID will contain the user's 64-bit SteamID. The Claimed ID format is:\

Any further information that is returned is made by further calls to the Steam Web API (as shown in the answer by @longtgomjr), and can contain any manner of public information about your profile.
It's worth noting that most data isn't available unless your profile is public. This is not a part of the login process, and the retrieval of this data can happen regardless of you logging in.