Steam – Why is Steam Trying to Load Up Games with Optional Parameters?


I am trying to join my friend's Garry's Mod server and Steam is telling me that Garry's Mod is trying to launch with optional parameters. I don't know why, and he is telling me that he does not know.

The code it is trying to run is:

+connect p2p:(a long string of numbers is here).

What does this mean exactly? Should I be concerned? As of now, I have not connected yet.

Update: I tried to join a friend's Borderlands 2 game and it gave me a similar thing.

It tried to run:

+connect_lobby (a long string of numbers)

Is Steam just displaying something it normally doesn't?

Update: It has stopped loading them up with optional parameters, or at least showing me that it has been.

Best Answer

Perfectly normal.

The game has to know somehow that you intend to join your friend. Thats what the parameters are for, those allow you to be connect to the same multi-player session.