Steering in drift session – Not able to take a big angle


May be related to this question.

Yesterday, I started playing Grid after quite some time and focused on drift sessions.

The problem is the following : I couldn't help but think the drift cars feel weird.

I can drift pretty okay and get quite some points but I can't keep the car at a large angle for long even with the wheels completely turned. Also, drifting at low speed (<130kph) and changing drift direction (e.g. left turn to right turn) is rather tedious and not esthetic.

This is a question divided in several parts.

  • Could my steering wheel (picture and name below) not be adapted and thus not translate properly my actions ? In fact, the front wheels don't seem to be able to reach a decent turning angle (for a drift car that is).

  • If the steering wheel is not involved, could I be doing something wrong ? My drifting technique is self taught through trial and error (and basic physics understanding).
    Reach a high speed (>80kph), use the brake pedal to put weight on the front axle while turning in the desired direction, counter-steer/accelerate and then play with the gas pedal/brake pedal/handbrake.

  • Finally, is it possible that the game does not allow to drift with a big angle ? If so, can something be done to improve the car behaviour ?

Side-note : The AI seems to be able to drift without any problem at low speeds. Are the physics altered for them to have such nice trajectories ?

Thanks in advance for your answers.

Should any additional info be needed, tell me.

My steering wheel : Logitech – Formula Force GP

Image found there ->

Best Answer

Thanks to CommandoAir, the source of the problem has been pinpointed.

In fact, switching the steering assist off will limit the maximum angle of you front wheels.
Other than that, all other driving help should not be enabled during drift sessions.

CommandoAir's enlighting comment

Do you run with stability control on or off? It's completely inaccurate in GRID and doesn't do what it actually does IRL. With it off, the car becomes more stable and way too understeery, so if you have it off, try turning it on. It makes the cars handle much more like they should (and all the AI have it on anyway).