Stop doing mini-games in Pokemon Dream World


Is there any reason to keep doing mini-games on Pokémon Dream World after you get over 10000 points. (Beside the games vs the pokemon you want to capture)?

When you are in Pokémon Dream World, you get points specially when you do mini-games (20pts each). This is the best way to getter points (at moment 06-03-2011). But after 10000 points you have all Pokémon from Pokemén Dream World ready to be capture, so you need only hope to find one while in the Island of Dreams, beside that, do I need keeping doing the mini-games, or can I stop ? There is some kind of punishment, or you only find old pokémon (not the new one, already available) or any sort of prejudice ??

Best Answer

Since no-one has answered: There is no punishment for not playing the games. However, now there is a reason to collect more than 10,000 points: You can obtain more rows in your garden as you obtain more Dream Points. You can get up to ten rows, but I think you'd need 100,000 points.

Source: Bulbapedia