Store multiple cars in 1 garage


I'm not sure about this. I did it and both cars stayed in the same garage (checked a short time after). But will this be permanent or will one car be removed if I stay to long away or something similar?

Best Answer

You can indeed store multiple in one garage, if you squeeze them in. So long as they fit, they will save.

Edit: To edit my post to best answer the OP, they will save and the cars will stay there until you go back to the garage and remove one yourself.

Edit 2: More information on GTA V garages.

Each character has a purchasable 4 car garage, in these you can only store 4 cars.

You can store 2 cars in Michael's safehouse garage, 2 at Franklin's Safehouse garage, and 1 at each of Trevor's safehouse garages.

This leaves you with a grand total of 18 cars you can store in Story Mode. 50 for gta online, however.

Edit 3: More information on GTA Online Garages

As of the 'executive and criminals dlc' in gta online you can total buildings/apartments with garages that hold between 2-10 cars. You can buy 5 parking garages/high-end apartments (which have 10 car garages) for a total of 30 saved cars.

Thanks VanBuzzKill for the GTA Online information