Strategy against Spell Hunter


I've been playing a bunch of games against Spell Hunter (i.e., the Hunter deck that has no minions). I use a Keleseth Zoolock deck. What is the best strategy to beat Spell Hunter, when playing zoolock?

I'm most especially interested in how I should play in the early turns. Typically, the Hunter is playing a bunch of secrets, then playing the Greater Emerald Spellstone on turn 5 to play four 3/3 wolves. Sometimes, the Eaglehorn Bow comes out, or they play a Flanking Strike. What's the most effective strategy while that is happening? Should I keep attacking the enemy Hunter's face, even though that triggers the secrets? Should I play minions and build a board without attacking or triggering the secrets? Obviously I need to prepare for their big turn 5; how should I approach that?

Best Answer

The difficulty in their deck would be their explosive trap clear on you or as you pointed out, flanking strike, or eaglehorn bow. If they clear your board you have a high chance of losing (like vs any other deck).

I would mulligan aggressively for Prince, voidwalkers, and Malch's imp. If you have these then I would keep a councilman as well. Prince's reasons are self evident. The other cards are because of their high health/low mana that helps them survive at least one explosive trap and you can set them off without sacrificing another high value minion to proc the secret (though this does not help in the case of snipe). Playing around their secrets while still being aggressive is key for winning the match-up. For example, attack with a voidwalker to proc an explosive or freezing trap before dropping a flame imp. I would not keep soulfire in case it procs cat trap, but it can be used as a finisher if drawn. Snipe and Wander Monster cannot really be played around so you will just need to suck those up.

A zoolock's deck's strength is in going face and overwhelming before they can stabilize. You need to have sticky minions that can constantly apply pressure and do repeated damage early because those early points will add up in the end when you finish them off with a doomguard or soulfire.