Street Fighter IV – Linking Normal Moves in Street Fighter 4


What's the best way to link normal moves? I have been playing Street Fighter 4 for quite some time now, but I always have had trouble learning any combo that isnt two inputs long (for instance: hp -> dp+hp). Are there techniques to hitting the links more consistently?

To be clear, my main problem isn't about canceling or focus canceling. I am concerned with combos where a technique like "plinking" would be useful.

Best Answer

It's just very, very tricky. The rule of thumb is to watch the animation. The common mistake is to try and link too soon - you literally have to wait until the last animation has finished. Also, some moves just don't link. The timing windows in SFIV are really strict - which allows for a real range of skill levels.

Generally speaking, to get long combo strings out, you need to work more with lights and mediums - so you might jump in with HK, standing LP, crouching LK, crouching LK

There are several methods for linking moves:

  • Cancelling: Most common, where you break out of a normal by executing a special. Same goes for specials to supers, and supers to ultras.

  • Focus Cancel: Where you execute a move but hit the focus attack during it to cancel, generally used in the opening of a special

  • Kara Cancel: you start a move, but hit throw during it, allows you to throw from extended range. Have yet to pull this one off

  • Plinking: Hitting a descending strength of attack almost simultaneously - i.e hk -> mk

Here's a combo for you to try that should give you a feel for it


Jump in - HK

Standing HP

LK Spinning kick (juggle)

HP Dragon Punch 

* you can focus cancel the Dragon Punch and try a fireball if you're up to it..

You'll get a good six hits out of it.